Space for your deep changes

Imagine world full of mindful people — maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of their thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.

deep. is
  • All-in-one theory & practices
  • Professional selection
  • Simple and clear experience of using
  • First marketplace for body practices
how platform works
  • expert practices of consciousness &
    meditation sessions from partners
  • sensual events & educational conferences all over the world
  • going global (we already have users in London, Paris, Vienne, Tel-Aviv)
  • body practices: solo and for couples
  • open-minded community and review system
  • mental health tools


  • Tanya Dmitrieva
    CEO, founder
    • 573 educational and sensual events in CIS countries
    • TedX Speaker and educational influencer
    • Community leader: 30,000+ sex-positive people all over the world
    • 257 publications in mass media
  • Yulia Sigaeva
    CPO, co-owner
    Growth Product Officer at YouDo
  • Anastasia Veremyova
    Head of communications, co-owner
    • Global strategic communications consultant for tech sector
    • Mentor, founder, Women in Tech
    • PR partner of VCs, startups and impact projects in EU and US
  • Talented developers team

Advisory board

  • Sam Chan
    business mentor, founder, Applied Computer Online Services
  • Artem Elmuratov
    founder, BioTech from Genotek
  • Natalia Kiselnikova
    scientific consultant
    Head of the Laboratory of Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Assistant Professor, Chevening Awardee. Birkbeck, University of London
© deep